What I'm Thankful For

I have to say, I've written things over the past month but nothing has been worthy of your time or energy. What I do want to say, even briefly is, happy Thanksgiving to all. While the roots and history of Thanksgiving are borderline deplorable, what it stands for in my life is something so beautiful. Being from the suburbs of the United States doesn't always have the best rep, but the truth is I was raised in a very culturally aware and adventurous community. I love when Thanksgiving transcends cultures. We all eat something a little different on this day, we celebrate who we are, what we love, where we come from, and at every table no matter what, everyone is taking a break to say thank you, and to be grateful. 

Today was my first Thanksgiving celebrated abroad and it did not let me down. If anything I realized how profound the idea of celebrating a day to come together and give thanks, and to say what we're grateful for, is, especially cross culturally. One of my coworkers around our table said it best, adding in her thanks that we can all come together and celebrate others' cultures and learn and experience and be together. 

I sat at a table today, in rural Peru, with ten other women. Women who are so amazingly strong, and so incredibly inspirational to me each and everyday. I cannot even express what a blessing it is in my life just to get to be a part of that group, to learn from them and be surrounded by their empowering energy each and everyday. Women are amazing, strong, powerful, capable, inspirational, dedicated, hard working, kind, generous, and loving. In five short months these women have become like a family to me. They are my Peruvians, the ones I know, and know me, and support me each and everyday as I face challenges and obstacles and fears in my new life abroad. They are women that I have the privilege to know; and I get to learn from them and to get spend a day so dear to me and the culture I come from with them was not only an honor but a joy. 

There are many aspects of United States culture I question, but today Thanksgiving became full circle for me. 

I had an Eat, Pray, Love moment as I sat with my new friends who have become like family, struggling through in a second language, making versions of American dishes the best way we could find, and taking turns around the table to say what we are grateful for. For me, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be here in Peru, to learn from these women, and the women in the communities we work with, and to have the chance to live here, and experience all of this beauty. That is what I am so beyond grateful for today. 

The delicious food sure didn't hurt one bit either!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. How gratifying for me to read how grateful you all are and how well fed you were on the All-American holiday. God Bless all of you in Peru and continue loving one another.

  2. Loved reading about your Thanksgiving feast in Peru and the amazing women you work with all having the same feelings of being thankful. Loved seeing the picture of you and your friends, you look happy and that makes me happy and thankful. Love you, grannny


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