
I'm currently on the bus from Ayacucho to Lima, today is our final day of field school, how could that be? I'm sad it's over for sure, but I'm glad to have some time to process it all and soon reflect on the experience as a whole. 

In the meantime my mind is occupied, or rather terrified about the next 48 hours. Managing all of my luggage, saying all of my goodbyes in Lima, handling the airports and finding my way to a car that will drive me to yet another unknown place, settling down for the evening, and preparing for whatever Wednesday brings as my first day in Ollantaytambo; I'm currently experiencing those nerves that make you want to cry and throw up all at once. And rock back and forth in the fetal position repeating "why the hell do I do these things to myself?" Over and over and over. 

I know I'll be fine, and somewhere deep down, truthfully, I'm ecstatic. I just have to get there. It's always the getting there that's the scary middle ground. The journey, ya know? But you live and you learn and you grow so I suppose here goes nothing. 



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