
I already have an endearing pet name in my home, Brianita, or little darling Brianna as a loose translation. 

People here have heard of the name Brianna, in fact my host fathers cousins child's name is Brianna... probably Briana actually. They know how to pronounce it and don't ask me to repeat it, they get it the first time. That's really nice. In Mexico there was some struggles but it was easy enough, but in Spain the Br really threw people for a loop, I'd get Adriana sometimes just because it was easier for them to pronounce. I'm glad that in my new home people know my name, it makes me feel like I fit in, like I belong. 

My name poses challenges when Americans ask me if it's BriAnna or BriOna, because well it's BriAnna, always has been. But who calls me Brianna? Almost no one, ever. Like rarely ever. I'm Bri. But in a Spanish speaking context it's much easier to use my full name, and at that, even I introduce myself as BriOna when speaking Spanish, for ease of understanding. So I guess the answer is well if you want to be friends just call me Bri, it's BriAnna not BriOna if you're interested in using my full name, but oh you natively speak Spanish yes then special permission is granted to call me BriOna. 

Or Brianita if you met me less than 48 hours ago but already love me as family. 



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